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Monday, May 31, 2010

Visit to MIT Campus and some of the architecture

This weekend I had the experience of visiting the MIT campus just to see the Saarinen Architecture. First I visited the MIT Chapel. I had heard that it was "not very inspirational" by an architecture group that visited.
They were wrong. I felt it was more inspirational than the National Cathedral in DC. I visited the cathedral about a month ago.
The details that inspired me about the MIT chapel were: the water around the outside that I would soon find out that is reflected or projected on the walls inside the chapel as it made beautiful water motion. The entrance is very interesting. The doors open automatically and the mechanism seems old but functional. The left hallway goes to the chapel doors. As you step into the chapel a beautiful sculpture by Harry Bertoia compels you to go closer to see how it could be catching light and looking like a waterfall. It is actually pieces of metal that are strung from a beautiful opening in ceiling. The natural light makes the chapel seem magical or very spiritual. The next building on the campus that was able to tour was the Auditorium. What a beautiful piece of architecture. It seems as though it is suspended in air. The heavy looking roof seems to float on the glass panels of the sides. It reminds me of an egg shell on top of a paper cup or a small glass. As you walk inside, lucky I was able to find a door, the lobby is beautiful. You can see what the shape from the outside can create a beautiful entrance to a multifaceted building. There was a few auditorium. There is a small auditorium or as it was called the little auditorium. As I went downstairs to use the ladies room jazz music was being played someplace in the building and being pumped through the vents it seemed as I walked around. It was a Brubeck style and it helped the experience.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Difficult month, more than I can say. This weekend I am visiting the MIT complex to view a few buildings that I am excited about. The Saarinen buildings, auditorium and the chapel. The baker house and the Strata center. There are so many pieces of public are on the campus. Cant wait!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Here is something I need to use later for designing. I am so amazed with the style of this architecture.
This course that I am in now I have used this concept for a 5 houses in one complex. I know it is going to inspire.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

3DS Max Pencil Tutorial

Dont have time to do it but I can do it after class or to improve this animation.
I think the person did a great job.

Last weekend was great, visiting the Cape, driving the National Seashore, walking around Provincetown and sleeping seaside in Truro. I couldnt have been happier. The Gips Krups House visit was a good one. After some outside time, sun and homework I'll post some details but I had a nice tour. I'll be visiting the Cape again soon and am looking forward to the Truro Vineyards stop. Write up more later.