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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Dali Museum

Visited the Dali museum in St Peterburg FLA last week. It was a quick visit but when I got there I realized that the collection is on one person and therefore an hour visit is just about right. Actually getting there was the excitement. I had been on business in Tampa and just had enough time to swing over in the afternoon for a quick visit to St Pete before jumping on the plane home to Boston.
I found the sketches from his early life to be amazing. My friend mentioned something that stuck in my mind for days and now a week later. He sketched and painted like he was creating a full animation. I didnt take the narrated tour but instead viewed from the end to the beginning. His beginnings were very basic for an artists. Landscapes and portraits. He painted and sketched his own life. Later in his life he would do more intense compositions that were very deep and confusing. Although the man narrating seemed to have some insight on his life when I heard them talk, I see a man that had a strong wife that was part of his work and 2 best friends that also particiapted in his work and his life. I was almost jealous. I wanted relationships like that but are not even close.
There were design pieces such as telephones, sculpture, dishes, forks and then 6 magnificent storytelling murals that needed a special room to show them. It was amazing. I was very impressed but also this gave some insight to how this man worked and thought. In the future I will give him more focus and I am now interested in who he was.
It was worth the trip to see the museum and the area. Actually I took the wrong exit off the highway and saw more than I bargained. The area is nice but then it was not so nice.
I cant tell. Im looking forward to reading more about this art figure.